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Dental Health
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has been approved for 12-15 year old
Pfizer vaccine has been approved for 12-15 year old
Pfizer vaccine has been approved for 12-15 year old and the ACIP has also confirmed the safety of the [...]
NA Meetings
Seneca Healthcare District Officially Announces the Retirement of Dr. David Walls
Dr. David Walls is set to Retire After 46 Years of Service Today the Lake Almanor Clinic Announces the [...]
Seneca Healthcare District ANNOUNCES the Groundbreaking Ceremony for our new Hospital
You are cordially invited to join Seneca Healthcare District CEO, Shawn McKenzie, the Seneca Healthcare Board of Directors, and [...]
Auxiliary donates $33,000 to Seneca Healthcare District on June 14, 2023
June 23, 2023 The Seneca Hospital Auxiliary donated $33,000 to Seneca Healthcare District (SHD) during a Wednesday luncheon. "This [...]
Seneca Launches New Electronic Health Record System
Date: 06/05/23 For: Immediate Distribution Seneca Healthcare District will launch a new electronic health record (EHR) system on Monday, [...]
Seneca Launches Price Estimator Tool to Help Patients Understand the Cost of Receiving Healthcare Services
Date: 05/23/23 For: Immediate Distribution Seneca Healthcare District is giving patients more control over the cost of their own [...]
May Newsletter
05- Seneca Healthcare Newsletter - May 2023