Dear Sir or Madam:


All clarifications and changes detailed in this Addendum and any previously issued Addenda, shall be incorporated into the work and made part of the RFQP set forth below.  This Addendum as well as any previously issued Addenda shall take precedence over all other conditions, specifications and requirements in the RFQP.  Except as noted in this Addendum and any previously issued Addenda, all other provisions of the RFQP shall remain.


This contract, if awarded, shall be awarded to the lowest responsible responsive bidder.  All references to Proposal shall now refer to a bid (“Bid”).

Please email your SOQ and Bid to the District c/o Lisa Lazalier at by 10:00 a.m., July 17, 2023.  Previously submitted proposals will need to be resubmitted.


Inquiries concerning this Addendum can be made by contacting Lisa Lazalier at


Please reach out to us with any questions, and we look forward to reviewing your bid.


Dear Sir or Madam:


The Seneca Healthcare District (“District”) is requesting statements of qualifications and proposals (“RFQP”) from qualified persons, firms, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations to provide special services as described below and in the form of agreement attached to this email (“Services”):

Timber Removal per attached prior to initiation of construction activities for the Seneca Hospital District replacement facility in Chester, CA.

Licensed Timber Operator (LTO) Scope of Work will begin on or around July 24, 2023 with a training by a SHD-contracted Biological Consultant in compliance with below mitigation measures, will continue with presence at a Ground Breaking Ceremony tentatively planned for July 25, 2023 at which the first tree will be removed, and will complete with cutting and removal of onsite trees as further defined within the mandatory site walk as defined below.  This schedule for scope of is estimated at 3 weeks, with input needed within proposal on variance from that.  CALFIRE has approved the project’s Timber Conversion Plan, and Timber Harvest Plan approval is pending and expected around the end of June 2023.

The District reserves the right to award the Services to a single firm, to award portions of the Services to more than one firm, or to not award any portion of the Services to any firm.

Statement of Qualifications

Please provide the district with a statement of qualifications (“SOQ”) that includes the following:

  • A comprehensive five-year summary of the firm’s litigation, arbitration, and negotiated/settled history with previous clients.  State the issues in the litigation, the status of the litigation, names of parties, and outcome.
  • Any comments or objections to the form of agreement attached to this email (“Agreement”).  PLEASE NOTE:  The District will not consider any substantive changes to the form of Agreement if they are not submitted at or before this time.


Fee Schedule & Proposal

A non-mandatory/voluntary site walk is scheduled for Tuesday June 20, 2023 at 9am, meeting at 199 Reynolds Road, Chester, CA in the Seneca Healthcare District Administration Office, RSVP to by Monday June 19, 2023 at 3pm.  Please provide a proposal (“Proposal”) setting forth the following:

  • A proposed lump sum contract amount for defined scope of work.
  • All costs, expenses, or other charges that firm would charge the District in addition to your firm’s fee.
  • Copy of DIR registration.
  • Copy of California state-issued timber operator license.
  • Certificate of Insurance, minimum limits as defined in attached contract.
  • Schedule for work
  • Add-Alternate for stump removal as described in Scope of Work below (optional)


Scope of Work

The onsite trees on the 10-acre future site of the Seneca Hospital as identified on the attached site plan/tree inventory will be removed under this scope of work.  Tree removal to include removal of trees (cut to no higher than 2’-3’ above grade) and tree debris.

Selected LTO will be responsible for removing and disposing of all trees and resulting debris for trees included within the contracted scope of work.

  1. Hours of operation are as indicated in the following Mitigation Measure:

Monitoring Measure NOI-1: The District shall seek to limit the potential noise impacts of construction activities on surrounding land uses. Construction shall occur between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekends or on federally recognized holidays. Exceptions shall be allowed if it can be demonstrated that construction outside of these time periods is necessary to alleviate traffic congestion and safety hazards.

  1. Dust Control is as required by NSAQMD Rule 226 (attached).
  2. Site access/egress for contracted scope of work is per attached .png showing route to back side of the hospital.  Needed signage (as indicated by an “x” on the .png) is the responsibility of the selected LTO.  Traffic on this route is limited to 10mph.  Coordination with SHD is available to have branches cut or potentially fence lines opened if access is hindered along this route.
  3. Prior to start of work, SHD will have in place staking to indicate the property line.  All work shall be contained within that boundary.
  4. Existing saplings (and stumps within optional add alternate – see below), even if not indicated on the provided site plan, shall be removed within the (pink) graded area and at the South edge of the property.  Additionally, saplings (and tree stumps within optional add alternate – see below) directly adjacent to/surrounded by trees being removed within the (green) non-graded area shall be removed.
  5. If provided schedule is viewed by bidding LTO as infeasible, alternate schedule shall be provided within the bidder’s proposal.
  6. Biology Report is attached for reference.
  7. Minimum spec for removal of debris is >1” diameter and/or 3’ length.  Within reason, pine needles remaining will be addressed outside of LTO scope.
  8. All workers employed on this project must be paid the prevailing wage determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, according to the type of work and location of the project.  General Prevailing Wage Rate Determinations applicable to this project may be obtained from the DIR website at
  9. If your firm is considering subcontracting with another firm, please note that you will need to submit a joint proposal to reflect that intention.


A bid alternate can (optionally) be submitted for removal of stumps of those trees cut.  For this scope, stumps shall be removed to a minimum depth of twelve inches below the grading plane.  Ground shall be leveled and holes filled.  SHD reserves the right to have onsite observation/testing of holes being filled at stump removal sites.


One onsite training meeting with Contracted Biological Consultant prior to commencing work will be required of all involved timber harvesting personnel. This training session will be approximately 15 minutes in length plus Q&A.

Participation within the ground-breaking ceremony tentatively planned for July 25, 2023 at which the first tree will be removed by selected LTO.

We request that your firm submit an electronic proposal in PDF format to by July 7, 2023 at 5 pm PST.

Process and Deadline

This RFQP is not a formal request for bids or an offer by the District to contract with any firm responding to this email request.  The District intends to choose one or more firms that respond to this RFQP and may conduct follow-up interviews with responding firms in its discretion.  The District will provide its form of agreement to firm(s) that the District chooses to perform all or some of the Services.  Any award of a contract will be subject to the District’s Board’s approval.


Any/All questions to be put in writing to the District c/o Lisa Lazalier at

Please email your SOQ and Proposal to the District c/o Lisa Lazalier at by 5:00 p.m., July 7, 2023.




Mitigation Measure BIO-1: Floristic SurveysMonitoring Measure BIO-1:

Appropriately timed surveys for special-status plants shall be conducted in compliance with all CDFW (2018), USFWS (1996), and California Native Plant Society (CNPS, 2001) published survey guidelines prior to initiation of work activities. Project commencement shall not be initiated until special-status plant pre-construction surveys are completed and subsequent mitigation, if necessary, is implemented. If no special-status plant species are found to inhabit the site, no further mitigation measures would be necessary.  If special-status plant species are detected, individuals shall be clearly marked and avoided. If special-status plants detected during focused surveys cannot be avoided, consultation with CDFW and/or USFWS (depending on listing status) shall occur. As part of this consultation, a mitigation plan shall be developed and approved by the appropriate agencies to avoid all adverse impacts. The mitigation plan will include methodology of transplanting and/or on-site replanting at a 1:1 (mitigation to impacts) ratio, a 5-year monitoring program, success criteria (e.g., 70 percent survivorship threshold), and annual reporting requirements. In addition, this plan shall include worker education and development of appropriate avoidance and minimization measures.


Compliance Regs/ Documentation Requirements:

CDFW (2018)USFWS (1996)CNPS (2001)

Mitigation Measure BIO-2a: Environmental TrainingMonitoring Measure BIO-2a:

Each year prior to the commencement of Project-related activities, a qualified biologist will provide an environmental awareness training program to educate Project personnel on relevant special-status species and their habitats, sensitive/regulated habitats, and applicable environmental laws and permits. The training shall include a description of the species and their habitats, importance of preserving species and habitats, penalties for unauthorized take, and the Project limits.

Mitigation Measure BIO-2b: Migratory Birds and Raptors / Nest AvoidanceMonitoring Measure BIO-2b:

Tree and vegetation clearing (removal, pruning, trimming, and mowing) shall be scheduled to occur outside of the migratory bird nesting season (February 1 through August 31). If clearing and/or construction activities will occur during the migratory bird nesting season, pre-construction surveys to identify active migratory bird and/or raptor nests shall be conducted by a qualified biologist within 14 days of construction initiation on the Project site and within 300 feet (i.e., zone of influence) of Project-related activities. The zone of influence includes areas outside of the Project site where birds could be disturbed by construction-related noise or earth-moving vibrations.If active nest or roost sites are identified within the Project site, no-disturbance buffers shall be established for all active nest sites prior to commencement of any proposed Project-related activities to avoid construction or access-related disturbances of migratory bird nesting activities. A no-disturbance buffer constitutes a zone in which proposed Project-related activities (e.g., vegetation removal, earth moving, and construction) cannot occur. A minimum buffer size of 50 feet for passerines and 300 feet for raptors will be implemented; sizes of the buffers shall be determined by a qualified biologist based on the species, activities proposed near the nest, and topographic and other visual barriers. Buffers shall remain in place until the young have departed the area or fledged and/or the nest is inactive, as determined by the qualified biologist. If work is required within a buffer zone of an active bird nest, work may occur under the supervision of a qualified avian biologist. The qualified avian biologist monitoring the construction work will have the authority to stop work and adjust buffers if any disturbance to nesting activity is observed.

Mitigation Measure BIO-2c: Bald Eagle and Golden EagleMonitoring Measure BIO-2c:

In accordance with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) (USFWS, last amended 1978), pre-construction surveys for eagles shall be conducted on the Project site and within 0.5 miles of Project site boundaries. If an active eagle nest is detected within this survey area, the Project proponent shall implement a 0.5-mile no-disturbance buffer around the nest until a qualified biologist determines the nest is no longer active.

Compliance Regs/ Documentation Requirements:


Mitigation Measure BIO-3: Riparian Habitat and Waters of the United States/StateMonitoring Measure BIO-3:

Prior to Project implementation, any waters of the United States, potential waters of the United States, and associated riparian zones shall be established as ESAs and marked off with fencing as directed by a qualified biologist. Monitoring by a qualified biologist should occur for any required work near the ESAs.  The proposed Project would not interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites. The Project would not conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance. The Project will not conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan.

Additional considerations: Any fencing required will be placed by the selected biologist.

Compliance Regs/ Documentation Requirements:



Please reach out to us with any questions, and we look forward to reviewing your proposal.

Lisa Lazalier

Business Development & Marketing Specialist(931)


230518 Seneca Site Package_Site Improvements – site plan only

Exhibit E – Biology


NSAQMD Reg_II_-_226 Dust Control

Route to back side of hospital site


THP Section II Attachments SHD

THP Section I&II

Trees to be removed in Hospital Area r2