We are pleased to invite you to respond to our Request for Proposal (RFP) for furniture for the Seneca Healthcare District Replacement Hospital in Chester, California.
You can find the project description and requirements in the enclosed RFP package.
Relevant documents are included here: https://app.sugarsync.com/iris/wf/D3118750_09285767_722015
Attachments included in the linked folder are as follows:
002_Seneca_Main Entry_Northeast (jpg)
003_Seneca_Main Entry_Northwest (jpg)
004_Seneca_Seneca_ED Engry_West (jpg)
005_Seneca_Facility_North (jpg)
Furnishings Basis of Design General Notes Inspiration Images (pdf)
Seneca_Furniture BOD_Furniture List (excel)
Seneca_Furniture BOD_Furniture List and Plan (pdf)
Seneca Responsibility Matrix DRAFT (pdf)
Bid Sheet SHD Furniture RFP (doc)
Instructions to Bidders SHD Furniture RFP (pdf)
Seneca Hospital Replacement Schedule (pdf)
All communication shall be as outlined in the RFP. Please confirm you have received and accept our invitation via phone or email to Lisa Lazalier: lisa@building-rx.com or (931)247-0684.
We appreciate your time and efforts in responding to the RFP.
Lisa Lazalier
Business Development & Marketing Specialistlisa@building-rx.com Building Rx