Hi Everyone,
As of 1400 (2:00 PM) hours on Friday, August 20, 2021, Seneca Healthcare District has received final approval from local and state authorities for the entire facility to open and operate. The Emergency Room and Acute Care Unit will open at 0800 (8:00 AM) tomorrow Saturday, August 21, 2021 and the Almanor Walk-in Clinic will open the Clinic and the Family practices at 0800 (8:00 AM) Monday, August 23. All outpatient and auxiliary services will open by Monday, August 23 as well.
All personnel is expected to return to regularly scheduled shifts as of Saturday, August 21st, the ER and Acute Care Unit will be open. All outpatient services will be open on the 23rd. All employees are expected to return to the scheduled shifts unless called off by their direct manager.
Due to new guidances by CDC and CDPHA, Seneca Healthcare District will be implementing the following policies upon repopulation of the hospital and facility.
· N95 mask will be required to be properly worn at all times while in the facility. The only time a mask may be removed is when you are alone in a private office.
· All unvaccinated employees are required to wear N95 masks at all times, even when in a private office. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy!
· Daily attestation log and temperature checks will be required upon entering each building within the facility.
· Each employee will be responsible to work with their manager to complete a 14-day monitor log. The log is required to be filled out, returned to the department manager and a copy needs to be sent to Stefanie White.
· Each employee will receive an antigen test upon the day of return. Followed by bi-weekly testing for a 14-day period.
· The front entrance door to the hospital will be locked at all times and a designated screener will be available. Individual provider office doors will be locked during business hours again as well.
These policies are designed for compliance with State and local health departments and intended to keep staff, patients, and our community safe from the spread of COVID-19.
For questions and concerns regarding the new policies, please contact:
Stefanie White, RN
Infection Prevention Manager & Nurse Educator
Seneca Healthcare District
O: 530.258.2151 | swhite@senecahospital.org
Attached is a copy of the external press release that will be going out to the public shortly.