Good morning all Seneca employees. It is Monday morning 8/16/21. There is a blanket of thick smoke in Chester today. We are anticipating some strong winds in the next 48 hours that is a cause for concern. It would be best to not try to come up to Chester until we have been switched to an advisory capacity.
Most of the managers are here today assessing their departments, disposing of outdated or spoiled products (meds, food, supplies) and preparing lists to order replacement items. We have a company (Balfour) here with giant “scrubbers” purifying the air in the hospital and clinic and wiping down all surfaces. Our goal is to create a safe environment for the employees, patients and residents once we reopen the facility.
We have arranged for all necessary inspections from State, OSHPD and Fire by the end of the week to get approval for opening. We hope to open the ER by Saturday and be fully open including Clinic (not including SNF) by Monday 8/23/21.
We anticipate the Mandatory Evacuation Order to be lifted by Saturday, which would allow you to come up to Chester. Still unclear when Hamilton Branch, West Shore and the Peninsula will be lifted.
As these evacuation orders are lifted we will expect all those that can come to work to report for work on Monday or your regularly scheduled time. Please work with your mangers on your availability to work. For those with valid reasons for not reporting, you will continue to be paid for your regularly scheduled time. PTO may be used if you choose not to work. Please note we are all essential workers at this time and the hospital and the community need us here to provide medical care.
Thank You and please be safe.
James Kooyman