June 13, 2024 

The Seneca Hospital Auxiliary donated $54,070.00 to Seneca Healthcare District (SHD). 

Because of your individual and group efforts to support Seneca Healthcare, we continue to improve on our critical work for this community today, and well into the future,” said Shawn McKenzie, CEO of SHD. 

Auxiliary presenting Seneca with a donation

Auxiliary presenting Seneca with a donation – From the left: Judy Cline, CNO SHD, Shawn McKenzie, CEO SHD, Marlyne Selk, Treasurer Auxiliary, Maggie Fleming, President Auxiliary and Brady Haynes, COO SHD. 

Judy Cline, CNO of SHD, thanked the group’s members for their time, dedication, and endowments, saying she is grateful for everything the organization gives to Seneca each year.   

“The hospital will use the money to buy patient-care equipment and other items that support quality patient care” Judy said. This generous donation has been allocated for a new Cellavision Device, “Butterfly” Point of Care Ultrasound Device, Bovie Electrocautery and Smoke Evacuator Unit, and education equipment.  

The auxiliary members continue to help generate funds and promote support for our hospital. Since its organization in 1977, the auxiliary has donated over $835,000 to the hospital. The auxiliary contributed over $54,000 this year, thanks to the generous donations of the community. 

About Seneca Hospital Auxiliary: Seneca Auxiliary is an independent charitable organization whose main mission is to support the acquisition of new equipment for SHD. The Auxiliary undertakes several major projects each year including a Donation Drive, Blood Drive, Onsite Volunteering, Community Wellness Screenings, Free Flu Shots and Game Day. 

About Seneca Health District: SHD’s mission is to provide community members and visitors with outstanding healthcare services and quality care through dedicated and compassionate staff, providers, and innovative technology. Our commitment to the communities around us is to create an atmosphere that promotes wellness and healing.